LORDS Little Wonders Information

Staff Profiles

Jacinta Turner
Early Childhood Teacher/Service Leader
The Service Leader and Early Childhood Teacher, Jacinta Turner, has many years of Early Childhood Industry and Teaching experience in Kindergarten. Jacinta is ready to answer your questions and give you all the information you need to enrol your child in LORDS Little Wonders.
When is my child eligible for Kindy?
Your child must turn 4 by June 30 in the year that they attend Kindergarten:

What hours does the Kindy operate?
2025 Kindy hours are 6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
How is the Kindy governed?
The kindergarten is governed in partnership by a committee (which is a sub-committee of LORDS Council) and QLECS (Qld Lutheran Early Childhood Services). As the Central Governing Body, QLECS has the following commitments to us:
• To administer State government funding
• To report to Government that centres continue to deliver an approved program
• Support their associated services to provide a quality inclusive program
• Work with associated services to increase enrolments, manage waiting lists and the enrolment prioritization process
• Responsible for ensuring services cater for additional needs e.g. cultural
The process of decision making and overview of program planning, communication and evaluation of teaching and learning, along with staff development, is the responsibility of the Service Leader.

Contact Us
Phone: (07) 5540 8877
To book a tour with our Service Leader Jacinta, please email: littlewonders@lords.qld.edu.au

Please fill in the form below and email to littlewonders@lords.qld.edu.au or drop it into the Kindergarten Office.