Welcome back to Term 3. We are looking forward to working alongside you throughout this term.
Thanks to those families who took the opportunity to connect with staff at the parent/teacher interviews this term.
LORDS has an open-door policy and parent engagement isn’t just about formal parent/teacher interviews on the school calendar. We encourage families to reach out to staff via email or phone to make time to meet when the need arises.
Engagement opportunities like the Junior School Showcase of Learning or Subject Selection / Pathway Evenings in the Secondary School are also important opportunities to connect with staff and community.

10th Anniversary Celebrations
We are looking forward to some special events in the coming weeks to celebrate our 10th Anniversary. All families are invited to our 10th Anniversary Birthday Party on Saturday 6th August (12-3pm) and our Thanksgiving Worship Service on Sunday 7th August at 9.30am in the COLA. The last few years have been very difficult when it has come to gathering as a community. These events will be a wonderful opportunity to re-connect, something we have all missed. I look forward to seeing everyone at one or both of these celebrations.